3317 star cabbage 10g (starke ayres)
Early to medium maturing cultivar
• Medium to large upright frame with
• Exceptional holdability
• Produces firm semi-globe shaped heads
• Good uniformity, allows for a uniform cut in the fieldType:
A medium to large hybrid cabbage variety for the fresh market.
Early to medium maturing. Approximately 80 - 90 days from transplant to maturity in summer. Maturity is very uniform with a high first cut percentage.
Plant Characteristics:
A medium to large frame that has an upright leaf habit. A plant population of 28,000 plants per ha is recommended for single head marketing, and 35,000 - 40,000 plant per ha for bags. Plant population will influence head size. For larger head size plant population should be reduced to suit your needs.
Head Characteristics:
STAR 3317 has semi globe shaped heads weighing between 2 - 3.5kg with very good internal quality.
Disease Resistance:
Good black rot resistance under field observation.
Features & Benefits:
STAR 3317 offers the grower the opportunity to achieve high marketability under Black Rot pressure. STAR 3317 has good holdability and uniformity which allows for very uniform cut.
Fertilization Guidelines:
This is a general guide, grower conditions vary and a soil analysis is highly recommended.
N: 150 to 200kg/ha. 70 to 90 kg/ha incorporated preplant.
Top dress the balance as follows:
Summer: 7,14 and 28 days after transplanting (no later).
Winter: 14,28 and 45 days from transplant (no later).
P: 50 kg/ha incorporated preplant. K: 120 kg/ha incorporate preplant.
Soil pH: 6 - 6,8.