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Swisschard 25g (starke ayres)

Swisschard 25g (starke ayres)

Swiss chard is a green with a unique taste. Swiss chard and beets are the same species, and they require a period of overwintering in order to set seeds. Plants can be lightly harvested in the first year for food, and then set to overwinter and produce seeds the following year.

Time of Planting

Plant seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in the spring.

Spacing Requirements

Direct sow seeds 2 inches apart and later thin to 6-12 inches apart. Sow seeds ½ inch deep.

Time to Germination

5-10 days

Special Considerations

When growing for seed, increase spacing to 19 inches between plants in rows 36 inches apart, or to 24 inches on center. Staking plants is recommended.

Common Pests and Diseases

Downy mildew can be a problem for Swiss chard when grown close together as baby greens. Birds also enjoy the leaves, but protecting new seedlings under row covers can deter them.

When and How to Harvest

Swiss chard can be continually harvested throughout the season. Harvest the outer leaves at the base of the stalk, leaving four to five inner leaves to continue growing. Swiss chard can also be harvested in closer plantings as baby greens, cutting the leaves about 3 inches above the soil and returning every week or so. Allow plants to re-grow to 5-6 inches before harvesting again.



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